Where to Find Matt’s Articles

Matt Graham writes for a range of websites and publications…

Australian Frequent Flyer

As the site’s editor, you’ll find most of Matt’s articles about airlines, travel & frequent flyer points on Australian Frequent Flyer. Here are a few examples:

Matt also hosts the ‘AFF on AIR’ podcast and regular webinars.

Working Holidays for Aussies

Matt founded the Working Holidays for Aussies website in 2021 to help young Australians work, travel & live overseas. You’ll find his articles there about working holiday visas, gap years and the digital nomad lifestyle.


Matt shares some of his personal opinions & experiences on various topics – which may or may not be related in any way to travel – on his Medium blog. Here are a few examples:

Other guest articles & contributions

Matt has also written for other publications including Canstar. Here are a few examples: